The Akershus Castle – Oslo

Jeg publiserte nylig et panoramabilde tatt fra Akershus Festning, men her har jeg gått rundt havnen og fotograferer Akershus slott med festningsvollene slik at dere lettere kan få et helhetlig inntrykk. Og siden bildet er tatt samme dag som det forrige, så ser dere igjen de store seilskutene som er inne for å feire dagen.I just published a panorama shot of the Oslo harbour taken from the walls around the Akershus Fort. Here I have walked around the harbour and shoot the place where I shot the first picture. This way it’s easier for you to get the full ‘lay of the land’, so to speak.
And since this picture as well have been taken on the same day, you may still enjoy the large sailing ships moored undeneath the castle walls.

(Compliments of SRB)
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8 Responses to The Akershus Castle – Oslo

  1. Paola says:

    So beautiful!


  2. vestlending says:

    Også ett nydelig bilde som inkluderer flotte seilskuter!


  3. Seenorway says:

    Ah, So you’ve been here, Catherine? If you want to refresh your memory, there is a separate photo report from the Akershus Castle. Please try this one out:

    Oslo – Akershus festning


  4. Beautiful castle! I enjoyed seeing this castle on a Baltic cruise when we visited Oslo.


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