The old days

Jeg har besøkt Valdres Folkemuseum –
I have visited the ‘Valdres Folks Museum’

Nye bilder 1450Og kanskje kommer det en full rapport derfra hvis interessen er til stede –

And perhaps there may be a full report published if there is a sufficient interest present?

Nye bilder 1468But in time it seemed it wasn’t!  (So be it)
(Compliments of SRB )

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17 Responses to The old days

  1. allesistgut says:

    Would like to see more of this beautiful place and the interesting museum. I visited it a few years ago and it was really wonderful! Ha en fin ukestart! 🙂


  2. Purnimodo says:

    SO in love with this! Dream house! Reminds me a bit of the houses on the Faroe Islands.

    Awesome share!!


  3. inavukic says:

    A place for ideal getaway holiday


  4. Harold Green says:

    I really enjoy looking at this image. I have gone back to it a few times to study the details. Maybe it’s because I live in the middle of central Mexico surrounded by cactus. Lots of flowers though. Does the grass really grow in the Spring/Summer, die in the Fall/Winter and re-grow again in the Spring?


    • Seenorway says:

      You’re asking about the grass, and the answer top your question is a ‘yes’, a little dependent on how you look at the word ‘die’. It’s the grass leaves that die (like the leaves on a tree) but the root system stay intact under the ground. It goes in sort an hibernation (like the heart of living creatures that hibernate may beat as seldom as a couple of times pr minute) When the thaw comes in the spring, the earth warms up and the life prosess start anew!
      The grass is in fact no different from flowers that r4eturn year after year. They even multiply! So does the grass.

      Pleased that you liked the old buildings. There must be at least 50 of them spread out over the museum ground.


  5. How cool is that! How old is it?


  6. Those were the days where most things weren ‘t free, but the nature itself!
    Pleased that you liked it!


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