Fruktblomstring i Hardanger *

Fruktblomstringen i Hardanger er berømt over store deler av verden og et minne for livet.
The fruit blossoming in Hardanger is renowned over large parts of the world and a memory for life.

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Utsikt mot Ulvik i Hardanger.
View towards ‘Ulvik’ in Hardanger.

Epletrær i blomst i Ulvik.
Blossoming apple trees in Ulvik.


DSC_2427Kinsarvik Kirke i Ullensvang er en murkirke og blant de aller eldste i Hardanger, bygget i 1160 antagelig av skotske innvandrere.
Kinsarvik Church in Ullensvang is the oldest brick church in Hardanger, built in 1160 by scottish imigrants.


Kinsarvik er en bygd med storslått landskap rundt på alle sider!  Det er også porten til den sagnomsuste Husedalen med flere flotte fosser!  Fra Husedalen finnes turruter til Hardangervidden, Eidfjord og Ullensvang! Her finnes også fergeforbindelse med Utne og Kvanndal! Familie park med masse gøy for store og små, hoteller og campingplasser med hytteutleie i høystandard klasse!

Kinsarvik is known as one of the magnificent tourist spot’s in Hardanger, especially for Germans and Englishmen! There are several hotels and campsites with upmarket cabins! Here are also ferry connections to  both Utne and Kvanndal!

DSC_2528 (2)Fruktblomstringen i Ulvik, Hardanger, er en av de store årlige opplevelser for både nordmenn og utenlandske turister!

Fruits flowering in Hardanger is one of the major annual pleasures for both Norwegians and foreign tourists! from Ulvik!

DSC_2531 (2)Ulvik kirke er bygget i 1859; en ‘korskirke’ som rommer 500 mennesker.
Ulvik church is a ‘cross-church’, built in 1859 seating 500 people.

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Selvsagt kan vi ikke garantere altid godt vær, men du vil uansett  kunne se blomstringen, fjordene, byene, elvene og fossene! Det vil altid være mye å oppleve! Bildet er fra Lofthus i Ullensvang!

Obviously we cannot guarantee you brilliant weather all the time?  But you will  be able to see bloming fjords, cities, rivers and waterfalls! There is a lot to discover! Here a picture from Lofthus in Ullensvang

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20 Mai 2012 Bergen 180

Og som en ekstra bonus får du oppleve: Vannfallene, fjordene, fjellene, isbreer, vegetasjonen, landsbyene. Sagt i en setning: “Vestlandet!”
Bildet er fra Lofthus i Ullensvang.

And as a added bonus you get to experience: Waterfalls, fjords, mountains, glaciers, unique vegetation, villages  and small towns!  Expressed in one statement:
” The Westcoast of Norway!” This picture from Lofthus in Ullensvang.
Gjør deg selv en tjeneste og opplev dette!  Om ikke annet, så èn gang i livet!
Dette bildet er fra Norheimsund i Kvam.

Do yourself a favour and experience this, if nothing else, for once in your lifetime!
This picture is from Norheimsund in Kvam.
Begynn å planlegg turen i dag!  Du vil ikke angre! Bildet fra Norheimsund i Kvam.
Start planning your trip to day!  You will not regret it! The picture is from Norheimsund in Kvam.
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Dette bildet er fra Lofthus i Ullensvang.
This picture is from Lofthus in Ullensvang!

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25 Responses to Fruktblomstring i Hardanger *

  1. Pingback: The Hardanger Fjord | See Norway – Se Norge

  2. Cindi says:

    We’ve traveled to Hardanger three times total in the spring and winter, but missed the “peak” spring flowering both times (my Norwegian husband has seen it many times, but after seven years here in this beautiful country I’ve only seen it at its peak in photos). Hopefully Spring 2014 will be the year I finally see it at its peak!


    • Seenorway says:

      Hardanger do blossom every year, Cindi! All it takes is a telephone call or two? Or you could find a live web-cam in the area and keep track of things through that?
      After all, you’re only an hours drive away from it all . . .


      • Cindi says:

        Yes, I know! 🙂 We have seen it in spring, just not at its absolute peak – and I enjoyed seeing Steinsdalsfossen in all its frozen glory in 2010. A few photos are here, if you’re interested!


  3. Breathtaking images!!!


  4. elmediat says:

    Well done 1 I passed this on to family & friends. 🙂


  5. Thanks for liking my post! I look forward to browsing through your blog and have a blessed day! Queen Of Hearts


  6. That was truly lovely, thank you for sharing your Beautiful country 😀


  7. Beautiful blog you have here! The photos of this post are just stunning!


  8. kelihasablog says:

    These are so beautiful…. You should make them into postcards or just note card sets! 😀


  9. MikeW says:

    Ulvik is like a wonderful place in heaven! Thanks so much for sharing these.


  10. daniellajoe says:

    Norway is beautiful!!!


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