The Winter has arrived!

Det var jo slik det måtte gå? Vinteren kom, og med den – sprengkulde!
That was the way it had to go, wasn’t it? Winter came, and with it – freezing cold!

Det siste bildet er tatt tidlig på morgenen – før solen har steget over horisonten!
This last picture has been shot early in the morning – before sunrise!

(Compliments of SRB)
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17 Responses to The Winter has arrived!

  1. irinadim says:

    Beautiful scenery!


  2. -Eugenia says:

    Beautiful and pristine!


  3. Missy’s Crafty Mess says:

    It is beautiful!


  4. utesmile says:

    Looks so beautiful. We just have rain here. Snow is just way more picturesque. 🙂


  5. Annemor Schønhaug says:

    Vakkert og kaldt


  6. C.E.Robinson says:

    Simply beautiful, Svein. 📚🎶 Christine


    • Seenorway says:

      Thank you, Christine! Have things quietened down in your area by now?

      Liked by 1 person

      • C.E.Robinson says:

        Not so much quieter here in California. But, I’m staying home, avoiding crowds and continuing to write. I keep up with pandemic news and changing restrictions here. It’s crazy like in many other places. Hope you are safe & healthy. 📚🎶 Christine


        • Seenorway says:

          So far! We have received the first 60-70 000 vaccines, but suddenly the manufacturers have delivery problems and nobody seems to get what they have been promised.
          Instead the Covid -19 has mutated into more tha a dozen new types.
          As I have tried to tell people before: The virus don’t die! They mutate! And even with a global vaccine, which will not be fully delivered to all coutries before well into 2022, I’m pretty sure that we will still have Covid-19 around even in 2024/25. The key word is
          ‘adaption’! So – I’m pretty happy about my age! It willsoon be my time anyway for whatever reason, but so far I feel OK!

          Liked by 1 person

          • C.E.Robinson says:

            Sounds as if you are on top of what’s going on. That’s good. Our vaccine here has the same problems. I’m in the 80s age group and healthy. I’m waiting until the experimental stage is over and the vaccine side effects have been addressed and taken care of. There’s a 90% recovery for me if I get the virus. It’s higher in younger people. Yes, their virus mutates and will never go away. Adaption is really the only way to survive. 📚🎶Christine


            • Seenorway says:

              I’m kind of riding the fence over here! They started boldly with vaccination the elderly in retirement homes, only to find the half a dozen suddenly died! As it turned out, the vaccine had not been tested for side-effects on people 85 or older!
              But I noticed that the King/Queen of England was vaccinated a good week ago and – the are 95 and 99 years of age. Also our King and his wife (My age) has been vaccinated!
              So I’m kind of biding my time. I’m in no hurry!

              Liked by 1 person

            • C.E.Robinson says:

              Stay on the fence. Let’s see what the picture is in a few months. Things will change & we’ll have more information.


  7. Beautiful photos ❄️ We has the briefest icing sugar-like dusting of snow and then it vanished!


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