
Nypene begynner å få en rødlig farge. Det betyr ikke bare at nypene snart er modne, men også at høsten er like rundt hjørnet . . .
Nyperosen er ellers en delikat oppbygget blomst, og den som vil frem til ‘godsakene’ her ute å bli dekket av pollen skal være god!
The Rosehips are starting to get a slightly redish color! It doesen’t only mean that the roships are getting ripe and ready for consumption, but also means that the fall is just around the corner!
If you want acess to the ‘goodies’ here – without getting drenched in pollen, you’d better be a crafty son of a gun!
(Compliments of SRB)
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'See Norway' vil i fremtid befatte seg med å vise bildereportasjer fra byer, kommuner og tettsteder rundt i Norge. 'See Norway' will take pride in showing you picture reports from communities and settlements throughout Norway. Contact: post@roby.no
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9 Responses to Nyperoser

  1. Haha.. just spoke of rosehips in my last comment and here they are.. Wonderful 🙂


  2. Missy's Crafty Mess says:

    Ah ha so that’s what my rose hip tea looks like before it’s tea


  3. -Eugenia says:

    Wonderful photos! Such detail and I feel like I am viewing them in person.


  4. Pingback: Nyperoser — See Norway – Se Norge | O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

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