The Rainbow Cloud

Well, det er i grunnen ikke noe som heter ‘regnbue-skyer’, men fargene stemmer jo, og et litt uvanlig navn var påkrevet! Men – fargespekteret hører jo en regnbue til?! Dette er også såkalte ‘perlemorskyer’, men denne gang hadde jeg et litt bedre kamera for hånden . . .
Det er likevel et eldre bilde, og – dessverre – en anelse mindre enn de vanlige på denne bloggen.
Well, actually there’s no such thing as ‘rainbow clouds’ 🙂 , but in need of a catchy name and with colors matching the spectre of a rainbow – so be it!
This is also a so called ‘mother-of-pearl’-cloud, but fortunately – on this occasion I was equipped with a somewhat better camera.
Still it’s an old picture and unfortunately a bit smaller than usual on this blog.

Compliments of SRB)
Please return me to  INDEX  for a new picture/destination.


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15 Responses to The Rainbow Cloud

  1. So many different sky anomalies now taking shape in the heavens.. This is just another beautiful image.. ❤


  2. Missy's Crafty Mess says:

    It’s beautiful


  3. C.E.Robinson says:

    Wow, this is spectacular, and delicate! 📚 Christine


  4. HesterLeyNel says:

    This is a beautiful picture – I’ve never seen anything quite like this.


    • Seenorway says:

      Hi, Hester –
      I think you need to approach the arctic zones where the air is colder. In Scandinavia you may also see those kind of clouds through the winter season (like here).
      These clouds are actually ice chrystals very high up into the atmosphere.
      ‘High’ in this setting would mean in excess of 30 000 feet!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. -Eugenia says:

    Well, I see it must be a typo day! Yikes!!


  6. -Eugenia says:

    Wao, amazing colors and appears very delicate!


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