I bid you ‘Good bye’ !

Nei, selvsagt skal jeg ikke avslutte bloggingen, men – jeg velger denne mulighet til å si adjø til 5 såkalte ‘følgere’ idag. ‘Såkalte’ fordi  alle har registrert seg som ‘følgere’ på datoer som ligger 3-5 måneder tilbake i tid, men siden de gjorde det, har jeg ikke hverken hørt eller sett noe til dem. Ingen kommentarer, ingen dialog, ikke en gang et og annet ‘like’, og det til tross for at denne bloggen har publisert 3-400 nye bilder i samme tidsrom. De har altså mottatt noe rundt 50-100 ‘varsler’ pr e-post, men uten en eneste gang å ha respondert!
Da anser jeg dem IKKE for å være ‘følgere’ ut fra min definisjon av ordet!
Så – adjø! (Og takk for nå!)

En liten titt på mine lister viser at pr 30 August, så kan det bli aktuelt å si takk og farvel til ytterligere 12 ‘følgere’ som ikke har respondert på flere måneder, men – det er ennå ikke for sent å forhindre det. Det er jo bare å stikke innom?  Problemet er jo at de heller ikke  vil se dette innlegget – rett og slett fordi de ikke er (eller har vært) ‘følgere, or dermed leser de antagelig heller ikke dette.

Jeg understreker at jeg ikke stenger noen ute! Alle som engang ble antatt som ‘følgere’, kan fritt besøke oss og se bilder! Men vi vil ikke lenger plage dem med varsler som de likevel ikke leser! Så enkelt! Hvis det er ønskelig å stå på slik liste, så er det viktig å opprettholde en viss minimum kommunikasjon, f.eks. i form av et ‘like’ i ny og ne, eller en liten kommentar slik at vi kan se at noen har vært innom!

– 000 –

No, no, of course, I won’t be terminating this blog for a while yet! But today I choose this opportunity to bid good bye to 5 so called ‘followers’! ‘So called’ – because they have all registered as ‘followers’ at times more than 3-5 months back in time! But since then, I have not heard nor seen anything at all of their profiles on my blog! No ‘likes, no dialogue nor comments of any kind. That in spite of the fact that we within the same time frame we have been publishing something like 3-400 new pictures!? In other words, – they have received something like 50 – 100 alerts via mail (like they asked for) withour ever responding to any of them! Thus – I don’t regard them as my ‘followers’! At least no to my definition of the word! So ‘good bye’ and thank you!

Looking through my lists, I can observe that on Aug. 30th I might have to say ‘good bye’ to another 12 ‘followers’, whom have not been responding once over the last 5 months!
It is, however, not too late to avoid such an event. Just pop inside and let us know that you have been in to see us! Simple as that! The problem, however, is that they are not likely to ever see this post since they are not behaving like ‘followers’, and therefore never will be reading this post!

I will stress the fact that I’m not at all closing the door on anyone that has once been accepted as a ‘follower’! They may freely visit us, enjoy our pictures and then return ‘home’! We just won’t be bothering them any more with ‘mail alerts’ that they don’t respond to anyway! That simple! If anyone should want to figure on such a listing, it’s important to secure at least a minimum of communication –  like dropping in on us once in a while leaving us a ‘like’ or a short comment letting usknow  that you have visited us. That way we may register that you are still an active visitor or follower.

Compliments of SRB)
Please return me to  INDEX  for a new picture/destination.

About Seenorway

'See Norway' vil i fremtid befatte seg med å vise bildereportasjer fra byer, kommuner og tettsteder rundt i Norge. 'See Norway' will take pride in showing you picture reports from communities and settlements throughout Norway. Contact: post@roby.no
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8 Responses to I bid you ‘Good bye’ !

  1. Jason Frels says:

    Hello, I followed so that your pictures show up on the wordpress reader page for me to see. I have to read through a translated webpage so I don’t know if there is a point to comment in English. Thanks


    • Seenorway says:

      Hi Jason,
      Thanks for dropping by! Well, English is fine! We do understand a bit of English here! 🙂 And with this last comment of yours, you just made our ‘Blue Team’ (So keep climbing! 🙂 )


  2. -Eugenia says:

    Followers come and go. While cleaning up my list of followers, I found some don’t even exist anymore. I guess people lose interest, don’t have the time or there could be a plethora of reasons why they leave blog land. I feel this is the norm for social media. I just read an article on beBee.com – “1-99 Rule”. Social media is comprised of 1% heavy contributors, 9% intermittent contributors and 99% lurkers. The article posted yesterday and has drawn 2,500 views and 44 comments, to date, because a lot of people feel the same as you do.

    You put a lot of time and work on your blog so I don’t blame you for the way you feel. There will always be a silent majority of people that just like to read and observe but do not contribute.


    • Seenorway says:

      Yes, I know, and I don’t really mind ‘the silent congregation’, however, when someone enlists as a ‘follower’, they also indicate an interest for what I produce and – ask to be alerted whenever something new breaks. Or – they are not interested at all, but only seek to market their own blog through mine!
      After having ‘washed’ and qualified my lists I have no intentions of letting it slide. It would take less than a year before I’d have to do this chore all over again. So – whenever someone new today enlists as a follower, I’ll visit his pages, look around and leave a couple of ‘likes for the trouble 🙂 , but if I find nothing to indicate an interest for travels, nature, photography or – Norway, he will probably not be a follower of mine! When in doubt, I’ll give him/her a trial peroid of 2-4 months. (Like I have written above) And if nothing happens, the listing will be deleted! They may still see my pictures, but I won’t be bothering to keep track of things and – he/she will not be regarded as a follower!
      Over time every month you’ll getr a new dozen or so appearing, but probably no more than 1-2 will tur out to be loyal followers. Building a serious blog takes time. Looong time! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. renxkyoko says:

    I have more than 3,000 foloowers but less than a hundred that actually follow my posts. This is normal on WordPress. They just click Follow , hoping the blogger will follow them , as well…. but , the truth is, that will be the last you’ll ever see them .


    • Seenorway says:

      Yes, you’re so right! Most people won’t take the tedious work to wash their lists, but choose to ‘live on a lie’ 🙂 With 1300 followers my average respons were approximately 15-18 ‘likes’ pr post, but after washing my lists I was left with approximately 150 ‘followers’,
      Now my average response pr post is 25-30! That ought tell you something?! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. …of course is up to you!


    • Seenorway says:

      I once had 1300 ‘followers’ that in fact wasn’t there at all! That is what will be happening to all if the lists are not managed properly. I’ve been actively blogging for 12 years, and I’ve seen this happen time and time again.
      I’m not ever going back to that. Now I have 140 ‘followers’ and I know that approximately
      85% is there. Before it was 15% ! 🙂


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