Stay Focused !

Jeg har sagt det før, men likevel går jeg stadig i fella når jeg skal fotografere en solnedgang! Og siden det er varslet kraftig regn i hele dag, så var det siste sjanse til å få noen bilder å arbeide med, og – denne gangen var jeg ute til riktig tid – nøyaktig når solen sank under horisonten!

I’ve said it many times before, but I’m still falling into the trap I’m warning about everytime I’m shooting a sunset! And since we’re having heavy rains all day, I knew that would be my last chance to get me some pictures to work on during today. This time I was on the spot at the exact right time – just when the sun had decended beneath the horizon.
Litt skuffet tok jeg det første bildet, men fraværet av ordentlige skyer ville antagelig ikke gi meg den solnedgangen jeg hadde håpet på?

I admit I was a bit disappointed shooting my first picture. The lack of solid clouding would probably not give me the kind of sunset I was hoping for?

Jeg hadde tanker om å returnere hjem med en gang, men – bare 10 minutter senere begynte ting plutselig å skje. Myser man litt på bildet ser man solstrålene slå uty i vifteform samtidig som det har kommet til et markant rødskimmer på himmelen.

And I confess that I harboured thoughts of aborting the whole thing, but – it took only about 10 mminutes to change my mind! Then things started to happen. If you kind of squint at the picture, you’ll be able to make out the rays from the sun breaking through like a fan, and there has become a distingt reddish tone to the sky!
Det har gått ytterligere 10 minutter og solen har sunket skikkelig under horisonten.
Fargene har blitt dypere og det har blitt mere rødt på bekostning av gult.

Another 10 minutes have gone by and the sun is now solidly underneath the horizon.
Also the colors have become deeper exchanging more red for less yellow.

Jeg flytter fokuset litt mot høyre for å fange opp litt andre deler av
himmelen . . .

I’m shifting focus towards right in order to give you another part of the sky . . .
Jeg besluttet å ta et par RAW-formater som gir dere litt mer høyde og kanskje også et litt annet inntrykk (selv om dere da kanskje må scrolle litt!)

I decided to shoot a couple of frames in RAW format giving you a bit more height and maybe a better impression of it all (even if you might have to scroll a bit !)
Det er jo bare nydelig?

Just beautiful, isn’t it?

Tilbake i 16:9-formatet, men nå ser jo alle at ‘noen’ er i ferd med ‘å slukke lyset’?
Og her går det dessverre ikke an å klappe frem aktørene til et dacapo 🙂

Back into 16:9 format, but – as you maay all see – somebody are turning the light down!
And in this situation it’s not possible to get it back by extra applauds.

Men for sikkerhets skyld, tar jeg ennå et bilde. Fargene har blitt betydelig mildere. Det er nok slutt for i kveld?! Jeg begynner her å gå hjemover . . .

But – just to make sure – I’m shooting yet another frame. The colors have become less intense and it’s probably all over for tonight?!  I’m starting on my homeward trip.
Men heldigvis møtte jeg en nabo og ble stående og veksle noen ord. Ikke mer enn et par minutter da han pekte mot himmelen bak meg. Og da var det bare å løpe . . .

Fortunately I met a neighbour and we stopped to talk. Only for a couple of minutes when he pointed to something back of me – and then it was all about running back! 🙂
For dette var jo slett ikke helt slutt? Og dermed ble det enda 4-5 bilder, men relativt like – jeg skal ikke trette dere med alle . . .

Because this was certainly NOT over! And I ended up with another 5 pictures, but very much alike so I won’t bother you with them all . . .

Jeg synes vi måtte få med oss dette, men – NÅ er det slutt på aftenens forestilling!
Takk for at dere holdt ut!

Still I think I ought to show you this last one? But this is the end of tonights show!
Thank you for staying with me!

(Compliments of SRB )
Please return me to INDEX for a new destination.

About Seenorway

'See Norway' vil i fremtid befatte seg med å vise bildereportasjer fra byer, kommuner og tettsteder rundt i Norge. 'See Norway' will take pride in showing you picture reports from communities and settlements throughout Norway. Contact:
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13 Responses to Stay Focused !

  1. -Eugenia says:

    I love the differences in the colors of the sky throughout the photos. The first photo has a mellow feel to it and then the colors in the remaining pics become livelier and have more depth. Stunning pics, Svein. Btw, I did not receive an email alert for this post. I will let you know tomorrow if I do. 😀


  2. I’m thinking thanks God your neighbor stopped to talk!! Wow good thing we all didn’t miss out! Those are some beautiful shots! That last one was extraordinary!


  3. Seenorway says:

    Thank you, Sue, and yes – I’m happy with the result, but for some reason it doesn’t seem that my followers are? There has been way less response to this post than usual, but there’s nothing I can do about tht – except perhaps take a break when it comes to sunsets?


  4. Loved this series , and glad you did not abort and stuck with it.. What a result.. 🙂


  5. I did stay and I was rewarded 🙂


    • Seenorway says:

      Thank you! I’m wondering if my caption scare people away? It seems to be far less interest than usual to this post? And thats before anyone has seen any pictures!


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