Sheer Beauty!

Vi har hatt en ekstra våt uke, men nå lysner det! Og imorgen skal det faktisk bli bra!  I mellomtiden kan vi jo la øyet hvile på denne?
We’ve had a rather wet period here, but tomorrow . . .
Tomorrow it’s supposed to be a fantastic day! Meanwhile we could choose to rest our eyes on this beauty?
(Compliments of SRB)
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5 Responses to Sheer Beauty!

  1. Seenorway says:

    Any time, Eugenia, and ‘Thank you’!


  2. -Eugenia says:

    Reblogged this on BrewNSpew and commented:
    Sharing beauty to brighten our day.


  3. -Eugenia says:

    Absolutely stunning. Reblogging – my followers deserve a beautiful treat.


  4. Seenorway says:

    I guess so! There will be green fields, fresh leaves, a lot of meltingwater in the river and most likely still snow on the peaks, but you’ll have to watch the weather forecasts very closely and time it exactly right!


  5. vestlending says:

    Its nearly time for a photo trip to Innerdalen now dont you think?


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