First Light

Det høres ut som jeg har vært en riktig morgenfugl, men på denne tid av året så dukker ikke solen opp over horisonten før en god halvtime etter kl 09.00 hver morgen på våre kanter, men – det går mot lysere tider nå fremover!
Også gjør man seg noen tanker om dette fenomenet egentlig er noe å fotografere? For det er jo da slik at solen dukker opp på morgenen over hele vår verden – om da ikke akkurat på samme tidspunkt?! Og likevel er det litt forkjell på solnedganger alt etter solstrålenes vinkling, luftens forurensning og skydekket akkurat den dagen!
Dertil er det mulig å endre det optiske perspektiv ved å lage litt forskjellige utsnitt av denne hendelsen, og vips – så blir det litt flere forskjeller . . .
It sounds like I have been a real morning bird, but at this time of year, the sun does not appear over the horizon until a good half hour after 9.00 am in the morning in on our parts of the world, but – weare moving  towards brighter times now!
At times I contemplate whether this phenomenon is really something to shoot? The reason bewing that the sun rises in the morning all over our world –  of course, not at exactly the same time, but – so what ?! And yet there are small differences in sunsets depending on the angle of the sun’s rays, the pollution of the air and the cloudceiling on that particular day!
In addition, it is possible to change the optical perspective by shooting slightly different sections of this event, and suddenly there will be substantially more differences. . .
Som f.eks. i neste bildet?
As for the next picture in line?
Compliments of SRB)
Please return me to  INDEX  for a new picture/destination.

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16 Responses to First Light

  1. Your skies are always so full of colour Svein and a late sunrise has its advantages.. 🙂 I am not such an early bird these days… 🙂


  2. I’d like to paint these pictures with watercolours


  3. -Eugenia says:

    Stunning photos, Svein! I love the glowing trees in the 3rd photo.


    • Seenorway says:

      I agree, however, I have spotted a small problem with my phone camera: Allthough it has the unique ability to zoom upward to 20x it seems to have a few problems focusing at that distance. Not the distance itself, but after having zoomed in! That seems to be ‘new territory’, but one cannot get it all! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Vicki says:

    Personally, I love sunrises and sunsets, or even the silhouettes on the horizon at dusk.

    All over the world there are varying colour hues, cloud formations at the start and end of the day and I enjoy seeing every single one.


    • Seenorway says:

      Welcome into the club! So do I! And I have shot thousands of such scenes.
      You may see some of them if you insert the word ‘sunset’ into the small box on my front and hit on the ‘Enter-button’! 🙂


  5. utesmile says:

    It looks almost like on fire. Luckily it isn’t , great sunrises.


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