Macro Fall

Det går mot høst og – siden denne blomstrende planten nå nesten har enrett på nectar-servering, så er den uhyre populær blandt hagens minste. . . ! Å ta bilder av dette slagsmålet ble litt vanskeligere enn jeg hadde tenkt meg. For det første måtte jeg ha et lite øye på hvor jeg tråkket, dernest måtte jeg finne motiver som ikke var for mye utsatt for vind og – jeg måtte unngå å bli oppfattet som en konkurrent i matfatet og dermed angrepet! Sekvensen er forøvrig skutt i ‘super macro’!
We are moving towards the fall, and since this plant these days seem to have monopoly serving nectar, it had become extremely popular among the smalles creatures in our garden. And to report on this struggle was proving to be a bit more difficult than I anticipated: Firstly I had to look where I was going so that I didn’t kill of plants for the future spring. Next I had to find motives that were not too much subjected to winds.
And – I had to avoid beeing seen like an intruder and/or competitor for the small amount of nectar that was still to be found! This sequence is entirely shot in ‘super macro mode’.
Da jeg ankom, hadde innhøstingen allerede pågått i lang tid! Som dere ser, så kan det være lett å bli angrepet!

When I arrived, the collecting of nectar had been going on for some time already, and – it would be easy to be attacked!
I neste omgang kom en av de tyngre gutta inn for landing!
Next came onw of the ‘heavyweights’ in for landing!
I noen tilfeller nytter det lite å være først. Vektklasser har betydning her som blandt andre

In som cases it’s no help to be ‘first in line’! ‘Weight class’ is what’s counting – here as all other competitions in life.
Og noen ganger er forskjellene overveldende!
And at times the difference in weight may be overwhelming!
Og alvorlige konfrontasjoner bør først og fremst unngås!
And serious confrontations should first and foremost be avoided!
Her tas ingen hensyn – eller fanger, for den saks skyld!
Here’s no considerations given, nor prisoners taken for that matter!
Enerett betyr alt!
Monopoly is everything!
Og til slutt et bilde hvor hele arbeidsstokken er fjernet!  Her kan dere se  hvordan denne blomsten er bygget opp i minste detalj! Og det er jo ofte sånt som vi aldri tar oss anledning til å studere sånn til daglig? Så her har dere sjansen!

At to end it all: Here’s a picture where the entire work force has been chased away. Her you may see how this flower presents it’s goodies in the smallest details. That is something  we rarely take the time to study in our busy days, but now you all have your chance!
Compliments of SRB)
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About Seenorway

'See Norway' vil i fremtid befatte seg med å vise bildereportasjer fra byer, kommuner og tettsteder rundt i Norge. 'See Norway' will take pride in showing you picture reports from communities and settlements throughout Norway. Contact:
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16 Responses to Macro Fall

  1. irinadim says:

    Fantastic macros! Love photos of bees at work.


  2. Greta DH says:

    Beautiful macros.


    • Seenorway says:

      Thank you, Greta. The ‘macroworld’ is my alternative world, you could say. And very few seems to have discovered this world just beneath ther nose tips? And welcome to my blog! At the moment there are approximately 8000 photos published – nearly all in ‘full screen’. Please enjoy!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Greta DH says:

        Glad to see that up north there are also macro enthusiasts. It is a wonderful world and yes you are right, few have seen it. Also welcome to my blog. Hope you enjoy my photos, I have to say, far less than your 8000😉


        • Seenorway says:

          I’ll drop by from time to time – surely, however, being a ‘follower’ is something I take seriously, and – if I was to follow everyone I’ve met since 2004, I would probably have very little time to use my camera? And I have been shooting photos since back in the mid 50thies! But as you know, the digital age within photo started round about 2004. Since then I must have taken in excess of a 100 000 pictures, but the present blog have been operated since late 2012! I hope you like what you find? And if you’re looking for something special, please try to insert a tag-word into the small search window on the right side of my front page – directly underneath the top frame! Then hit the ‘Enter’-button!

          Liked by 1 person

  3. -Eugenia says:

    Fantastic shots, Svein. So clear and shows every detail.


  4. Yellow is the colour of the month….and this year we do seem to have many more insects and butterflies than usual. Sadly even the petals on the yellow flowers are starting to turn and curl, soon to be gone 🙂


  5. utesmile says:

    This is beautiful. That super Macro is fantastic!


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