The Ruddy Shelduck

Rustanda der et noe uvanlig syn på våre kanter, men jeg var så heldig å snuble over et eksemplar i et lite tjern øst for Oslofjorden. En vakker fugl, men litt vanskelig å komme inn på! Egentlig hører denne fuglen hjemme i Afrika eller Eurasia og hekker vanligvis i de  sydøstlige deler av Russland, men denne dagen så besøkte den altså oss. Og da ble det selvsagt et bilde!

Fuglen blir 58-70 cm lang og et vingespenn på 110-135 cm. I India går den under det eksotiske navnet ‘Brahminy Duck’ og antallet er stigende både i Tyrkia, India og resten av det sentrale Eurasia, mens den sies å være i tilbakegang i Europa – kanskje da med unntak av Fuerteventura på Kanariøyene hvor det finnes en solid stamme.
The ruddy Shelduck is a somewhat unusual sight in our parts of the world, but I was fortunate enough to stumble across a specimen at a very small lake East of the Oslofjord!
A beautiful bird, but pretty hard to approach!
Actually this bird is from Eurasia or Africa! It really doesn’t belong here, but now that it is, of course, she’ll have her picture taken! 🙂 Normally she’s nesting in the Southeastern regions of Russia!

The bird will normally grow to a length of 23-28 inches with an estimated wingspan of
43-53 inches. In India it goes by the exotic name ‘The Brahminy Duck’ and its population is on the rise in Turkey, India and throughout Eurasia, but in decline as far as Europe goes, – perhaps with the exception of the island of Fuerteventura at the Canary Islands where there is a solid population to be found.

Compliments of SRB)
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3 Responses to The Ruddy Shelduck

  1. Missy's Crafty Mess says:

    That’s an interesting looking duck! The ones we have look like this 🦆 emoji


  2. -Eugenia says:

    It is a beautiful bird. You’re lucky to get that shot since Mr. Shelduck is not conducive to your area.


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