The Large Hawfinch

Kjernebiteren er Norges største finkefugl! Og den pleide å være fast gjest på mitt fuglebrett! Fuglen kan bli 18-19 cm lang (og det er ganske heftig for en fink) og veier
inn på 50-60 gram med et vingespenn på ca 30-33 cm. Det som imidlertid er mer imponerende er at denne fuglen har et kjevtrykk på ca 50 kilo! Og den er spesialist på å knuse røtter, frø, nøtter og hva den ellers finner i naturen.
Han-fuglen (som er avbildet her) har klare farger i brunt, beige og sort og med sitt karakteristiske kraftige nebb er den lett å kjenne igjen. Hunfuglen har for så vidt de samme fargene, men samtidig i en litt svakere farge.
Vanligvis holder de til høyt oppe i tretoppene, men de kan lokkes ned hvis maten er fristende nok. Og har de først funnet en ‘restaurant’ med passende meny, så blir de fort stamgjester!

The hawfinch is by far the largest finch in the Norwegian fauna. And it used to be a regular guest at my birdfeeder. The bird may grow to a length of 18-19 cm, (which is pretty large for a finch!)  weighing in  at 50-60 grams and with a total wingspan of 30-33 cm! What is more spectacular, however, is its immensely strong beak with a closing pressure of approximately 100 lbs! The bird is a specialist in crushing the roots, seeds and nuts it may find in the nature. The male bird (which is portrayed here) has – apart from its strong
beak – bright colors in brown, beige and black. The female looks practically the same, however’ its colors are not quite as strong. Normally they will prefer to stay in the tree tops, but – they may be coarsed to visit if the menue is right. And having found a ‘restaurant’ they like, they may very fast become regulars!

Compliments of SRB)
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8 Responses to The Large Hawfinch

  1. Missy's Crafty Mess says:

    You really have a big verity of finches


    • Seenorway says:

      Well, when thest pictures were shot I had been operating kind of a breakfast restaurant/drop-in for years and most of my guests had gotten pretty used to me.
      If I was sitting quietly in a chair with a blanket across my lap, say for a couple of hours, there were really no limits to how close they’d be willing to come. The problem was to raise the camera . . (Dangerous gun that thing! 🙂 )

      Liked by 1 person

      • Missy's Crafty Mess says:

        Ha ha we have a golden finch that likes to tap on the living room window panes. It drives my cats bonkers. It’s funny to watch. I wonder if he knows what he’s doing?


        • Seenorway says:

          You bet! As small brains they migtht have, they still navigate among continents and they may crash dive down to a single twig within a large bush hitting it head on with not a single feather out of place! They know what they are doing all right!

          Liked by 1 person

  2. -Eugenia says:

    Excellent shots, Svein! What beautiful colors.


    • Seenorway says:

      He was a very beautiful bird, but I had to stop feeding as they threw absolutely everything around. And after a couple of years our garden was nearly ruined, but – only last week I discovered sombody selling seeds without the shell around it! So now I’m back into the planning stage . . . 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  3. puzzleblume says:

    Nice shots!
    During winter and up to late spring I could watch these beautiful birds for the first time “real life” in my garden and was very happy, because it took me more than fifty years so far, always wishing after seen them in books as a kid. I even like the way to assert their claim, as soon as they appear at the feeder.


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