When you just know how . . .

Jesus gikk på vannet – sies det?! Og kanskje virker en sånn historie ganske utrolig?
Noen sier at hvis det ser ut som en fisk, svømmer som en fisk og dertil lukter fisk, så er sannsynligheten stor for at det faktisk er en fisk?! At det nesten alltid finnes en såkalt
‘naturlig forklaring’!  Så når våre politikere forsøker å forklare nødvendigheten av et upopulært vedtak, så kan den egentlige forklaring ligge mye nærmere enn hva han vil at du skal tro . . .
Og – det er ikke så mye i livet som er ‘umulig’, om du bare kan komme opp med en god plan!

Jesus walked on water! Or so it’s said? And perhaps a story like that sounds pretty incredible?  Some will tell you that ‘if it looks like a fish, swims like a fish, and even smells like a fish, it’s highly probable that it’s really a fish! The message being: There is nearly always a natural explanation to what you observe!
As when our politicians tries to explain the necessity of  an unpopular decision?
The real explanation (the truth) may be far closer (and different) than he’ll have you believe! And – there isn’t all that much in life that is ‘impossible’ – if you can just come up with a good plan!

Compliments of SRB)
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'See Norway' vil i fremtid befatte seg med å vise bildereportasjer fra byer, kommuner og tettsteder rundt i Norge. 'See Norway' will take pride in showing you picture reports from communities and settlements throughout Norway. Contact: post@roby.no
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13 Responses to When you just know how . . .

  1. -Eugenia says:

    Interesting little fella. Kinda looks like a politician – just look at those beady eyes. 🤨


  2. Words of Wisdom Svein, especially about politicians… Loved the water-boat-man.. 🙂


  3. We call these ‘Water Boatmen’ 🙂


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