
Dette er tiden da naturen synes å stå stille. Stille i den forstand at den er frosset og urørlig.
Men – frosset natur kan også være vakker å se på selv om moderne kamerautstyr stønner litt under belastning av kuldegrader som batterier og annet utstyr kanskje ikke er tilstrekkelig tilpasset. Personlig skal jeg ikke klage. Mitt utstyr skal fungere i opp til minus 10 grader. Da er det verre med gamle krokete fingre . . .  🙂
This is the time when the nature seems to come to a halt? ‘Halt’ in a context of frozen immobility, but  – frozen nature may also have its beauty even if modern photo equipment protests wildly of the abuse of freezing temperatures for which batteries as well as other items is not sufficiently adapted to. Personally I have no complaints. My equipment will hold up until 10 degrees C below zero. My old crooked fingers, however, are a quite different problem . . .
Og siden det er Julekvelden idag, så benytter jeg anledningen til å sende en varm hilsen til alle mine digitale venner over hele verden! Håper dere har det bra og at kvelden blir minnerik slik en skikkelig Julekveld bør være!

And since tonight is the Christmas eve, I’ll use this opportunity to send you all my digital friend throughout the world – a warm Christmas Greeting hoping you’re happy and with a good – or at least an acceptabel health – wherever you are!
Hoping that you’ll all have a pleasant and momorably Christmas Evening!

(Compliments of SRB)
Please return me to  INDEX  for a new picture/destination.


About Seenorway

'See Norway' vil i fremtid befatte seg med å vise bildereportasjer fra byer, kommuner og tettsteder rundt i Norge. 'See Norway' will take pride in showing you picture reports from communities and settlements throughout Norway. Contact:
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17 Responses to Frosty

  1. Love to see the frost upon the grasses Svein.. Wishing you a wonderful Happy New Year.. See you in 2018 xxx 🙂


    • Seenorway says:

      Got an error message but suddenly observed that you had turned off the answering mode.
      Yes, Happy new year to you as well, Sue! Our politicians have suddenly started to alter the maps we have been living by for a hundred years,
      so now I have something to re-organize through winter! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes some of my earlier pre Christmas posts were turned off.. as I knew I would be too busy to answer them.. Good to see you blogging again and you are now back on line.. And isnt that the way of Politics 🙂 😦


        • Seenorway says:

          You’re dead right about that! When things have worked perfectly for a hundred years, of course, somebody gets the idea that something needs to be modernized.
          Consequences? Now what’s that? The truth being that they’re hardly qualified for anything like some name changes.
          Like some years back they altered our postal codes and everybody had to produce new brochures, new stationary, changes of address and everything else costing more than a billion in total. These days the postal service can’t seem to make ends meet and have informed us of their new service bringing out the mail only once a week!
          And we have received our mail on a daily basis since early 1950!!! And the have the guts to call it ‘progress’ and ‘modernizing’! Bah!

          Liked by 1 person

          • Yes its a sad state of affairs all around.. Its all about people wanting to make their mark. They come in wanting to make a name for themselves. And lose sight of what is real..
            I felt sorry for our poor postman this morning he was drenched as it is sleeting and snowing outside today..
            Take care dear friend.. and nothing will change.. For Common sense and Politics do not seem to go hand in hand..
            Love and Hugs . and sending all of my Best for 2018… My hubby says he is pleased he is as old as he is, for he says he does not wish to see the future the world is becoming.. And sometimes I have to agree with him.. ❤ Hugs


  2. -Eugenia says:

    Merry Christmas to you and your family, Svein. Your photos are crystal clear and definitely frosty. Stay warm.


  3. C.E.Robinson says:

    Svein, Merry Christmas to you & your family! 🎄☃️⛸ Christine


  4. Paola says:

    Thank you for your warm wishes, and Merry Christmas to you too


  5. Merry christmas to you too! It seems you are about the only one in Europe having snow and frost. Enjoy! 🙂


  6. Good wishes and good health…and keep warm 🙂


  7. Arlette Trana says:

    Merry Christmas from Iowa in the United States!


    • Seenorway says:

      Takk for hyggelig hilsen, Arlette! Og så fant du min blogg der ute på verdens-veven?
      Her ligger nesten 7000 bilder fra ‘gamlelandet’ – de aller fleste i ‘full screen’.
      Kanskje også bilde fradet stedet du kommer fra? 🙂


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