Lofoten Panoramas

Jeg beklager at en gammel mann ikke lenger husker helt nøyaktig hvor disse bildene engang ble tatt, men – jeg kan med sikkerhet si at de ble tatt i Lofoten eller muligens
på vei til Hamarøy. Egentlig er det litt uvesentlig for det viktigste for meg er å formilde naturen fra denne del av landet.  Dessuten var det lenge før denne bloggen ble påtenkt!
Men naturen er jo like vakker uansett tidspukt?
I’m sorry that an old man like me no longer recall exactly where these pictures were once taken,k but I can with som certainty say that it most likely are from the archipelago of Lofoten or possibly enroute the municipality of Hamaroey.
Actually this is of less importance to me as the essential idea is to convey the beauty of the landscapes in this part of the country. Besides it was way before this blog was planned!
(Compliments of SRB)
Please return me to INDEX for a new picture/destination.

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'See Norway' vil i fremtid befatte seg med å vise bildereportasjer fra byer, kommuner og tettsteder rundt i Norge. 'See Norway' will take pride in showing you picture reports from communities and settlements throughout Norway. Contact: post@roby.no
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13 Responses to Lofoten Panoramas

  1. It’s got the best of everything huh? Mountains, water, snow capped mountains, trees…I would struggle to leave there.


    • Seenorway says:

      You forget the food! Living in Lofoten with access to a boat you may get a fresh seafood dinner every day of the week in less than 10 minutes!
      And it won’t cost you a dime! 🙂


  2. Fabulous scenes dear Svein, I love mountains and lakes.. Which is why I enjoy Scotland so much, and in two weeks were off again.. So looking forward to my mini-break 🙂


  3. Paola says:

    Are them volcans?


  4. -Eugenia says:

    Mountains are beautiful no matter where they are and when the shot was taken.


  5. ‘Somewhere’ in Norway…. Mountains are always a winner for me.


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