Någåt attåt –

For dem som forsøker å oversette overskriften til engelsk, må jeg be om unnskyldning 🙂 men kanskje vil det by på visse vanskeligheter. (Dette er ikke helt vanlig norsk!)
Men siden jeg aner at dere nå begynner å bli lei mine mange solnedganger, så er dette bare å anse som en liten ekstrabonus. Gårsdagens solnedgang kan ikke bare overses!
To those of you that may try to translate my caption into English: It’s possible you may strike a spot of trouble. This is NOT normal Norwegian! (But it means ‘something extra’)
I’m pretty sure that you feel that you’ve had enough sunsets to last you for some time, but on the other hand – last nights sunset was to special to be overlooked. I had no intention to shoot sunsets yesterday, and besides I had guests over for dinner, why these shots have been shot from my terrace!
Ja, jeg vet de er ganske like, men jeg har i noen grad forsøkt å variere utsnittet.
Yes, I know the seem pertty much alike, but I’ve tried to alter the scope of what you see.

.Og like brått som det startet, like fort var det hele over. Enda en dag har møtt sin ende!
And just as quick as i all started, it was all over! Another day has ended!
(Compliments of SRB)
Please return me to INDEX for a new destination

About Seenorway

'See Norway' vil i fremtid befatte seg med å vise bildereportasjer fra byer, kommuner og tettsteder rundt i Norge. 'See Norway' will take pride in showing you picture reports from communities and settlements throughout Norway. Contact: post@roby.no
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24 Responses to Någåt attåt –

  1. hl says:

    Flotte bilder!


    • Seenorway says:

      Takk skal du ha, Helene! Velkommen til min blogg. Over 6400 ‘full screen’-bilder publisert.
      Letteste vei å få en oversikt er kanskje å åpne vår ‘INDEX’ – særlig om du er norsk!

      Liked by 1 person

      • hl says:

        Jeg er norsk. Jeg elsker å fotografere og venter i disse dager på et nytt objektiv.


        • Seenorway says:

          Da vet du hvordan de norske fylkene er gruppert og det vil være til stor hjelp! Åpne et hvilket som helst innlegg. HYelst på slutten finner du en hyperlink som fører til INDEX! Inne i INDEX er alt oppført alfabetisk under sine respektive fylker. Her kan du ogsså se hvor mange bilder som ligger i hvert enkelt innlegg og hvilken fotograf som en gang gjorde jobben. Og eller finner du nalltid en link som returnerer deg til index for et nytt valg. Kok deg en kanne med te, krøll beina opp i sofaen og reis digitalt. Kos deg!

          Liked by 1 person

  2. But I am so pleased you were there to capture the light show while it lasted.. Wonderful colours..
    Have a lovely evening .. 🙂


  3. -Eugenia says:

    Your captures are amazing. 300,000 pictures! Awesome. I shared your link in the Senior Salon at Haddon Musings. https://haddonmusings.com/2017/03/29/senior-salon-2017-14/


    • Seenorway says:

      Thank you! I’ll have to take a peek to find what that is? 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Seenorway says:

      Hm, I checked out the ‘Senior Salon’ and several other catalogues, but found nothing? Probably been looking in the wrong place, but I haven’t registered a surge of new vistors either? 🙂 But perhaps it takes a bit of time to get things posted whyen it’s not your own blog? Will keep an eye on things through the day!

      Liked by 1 person

      • -Eugenia says:

        It does take time to build followers. I built a great following while taking the WordPress courses, but they changed the way the courses are presented so I don’t go the route anymore. I find a lot of good bloggers in the Reader and in the comments section of posts.


        • Seenorway says:

          I know! I’m not a novice myself. Been blogging actively since 2005 and I have (for a period) been surfing the net visiting 50 bloggers a day, but it doesn’t work as well as I hoped. As altering the system, I observed the same on Facebook the summer 2015.
          I rarely use FB any more! I’ve been featured through NorwegianAmerican (Newspaper) which gave a rise for 2-3 days, but – there are supposed to be something like 325 million Americans over there, I’d be very happy with 0,001 % 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  4. Never get tired of sunsets (or sunrises) always different 🙂


    • Seenorway says:

      Good to hear, There was the makings of a fantastic one tonight, but during the very last hour it was all drowned in thick dark cloudlayers. Don’t know what happened. No sunset at all this evening!


  5. Absolutely stunning. The buttermilk sky makes it even prettier.


  6. samba2017 says:

    I love the blue in the photo at the top!


    • Seenorway says:

      The combination of colors plays a big part in the total perception of a picture.
      Picture no 2 is taken within the very same minute as no 1, but if you look closely you’ll discover that the blue part is falling outside of the chosen frame.
      This way you may catch 3-4 quite different impressions of the same sunset.
      Then we are all individuals with a different taste in colors (as other things in our lives), and it makes ‘photography’ an exiting but challenging hobby! (Glad you found a picture to your liking)

      Liked by 1 person

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