Sunday Walk

Mange benytter  søndager til å besøke sin lokale kirke, men når været er på sitt beste og vinteren står for døren, så prioriterer jeg nok naturen. Idag spaserte jeg innover i marka og tok inn høstens farger. Snart er alt hvitt – dekket av snø, men dagen i dag var en flott dag med sol og 10-12 grader pluss.

Lots of people usae the Sundays to vist their local church, but when the weather is at its best and the coming winter waiting in the wings, I prefer nature!  Soon it will all be covered in white snow, but today I chose to enter the woods from a parking lot at Kleiver.

‘Kleiver’ er Et av de nyere boligfeltene her i Røyken  og her ligger noen av de nyeste husene i dette feltet. Infrastrukturen i dette feltet er bygget opp på naturgass. Og siden vi snakker om ‘natur’ –

‘Kleiver’ is one of the newer residental areas here in Roeyken and this picture lets you see some of the latest built villas in this area. The infrastructure in this area is built on nature gas –

Regnet i ‘luftlinje’ – her befinner vi oss mindre enn 50 meter fra nevnte boligfelt! I noen av disse husene kan man tråkke av terrassen og være direkte i marka!

Measured by air – here we are less than 50 yards away from those houses I just showed
you ! In some of these houses you may step off your terrace straight down into the woods!

Dette er en liten oppdemmet tjern som går under navnet ‘Kleiver-dammen’. Her kan man bade, fiske eller gå på skøyter i vinterhalvåret.

A small dam was once built across a small creek which resulted i this small lake called
‘The Kleiver Dam’. Here you may swim, try your fishingrod or – you may go skating during the winter.

Det er også satt opp bålpanner og griller for hyggelig familieaktiviteter gjennom året –
There are also fire pans and large grills for family leisure activities.

Sitter man ved bredden en sen kveld eller tidlig morgen, kan man være så heldig å se elg eller rådyr som kommer ned fra åsen for å drikke . . .

Sitting on the banks one late evening or very early morning, you may be lucky enough to spot a deer or even a moose visiting the lake for a needed drink.

Gjennom dette vakre skogområdet er det laget milevis av turstier på kryss og tvers –
Through this beautiful forest area there has been built several miles for touring tracks in all directions.

Eller du kan velge sykkelen . . .
Or you may choose your bicycle . . .
Her står furuskogen tett. Rett som det er kan man komme over rådyr eller til og med elg, men idag er det ingen å se?  Kan det være fordi elgjakten starter om 2-3 dager?  Det virker av og til som om dyr har en innebygget kalender . . .?!

Here the pines stand thick. In this area you might come across deer or even moose, but today they are nowhere to be seen?  Might it be due to the fact the the annual moose hunt will be starting in a couple of days from now? Sometime I think the wildlife has a built in calendar?

Her står underskogen tett, men det er tydlig at vinden har rusket opp i løpet av natten –
Here the undergrowth stands thick, but its evident that the wind has been here during night?

Dette er ‘Tretjenna’ i  Kjekstadmarka; et poplært tilholdssted for hekkende ender, men nå er det stille!

This is the Lake Tretjenna in the area called ‘Kjekstadmarka’; a very popular hangout for
nesting ducks, but now it’s quiet here . . .

Faktisk veldig stille, men jeg har sett en og annen hegre fly over tidlig på morgenen eller sendt på kveldstid.

In fact – very quiet! But from time to time I have seen some herons flying past –
Especially very early in the morning or late evening.
Og i all stillhet har jeg tatt meg tilbake til Kleiverdammen. Jeg skal hjem å spise middag.
Hva skal dere? 🙂

Quietly I’ve returned to the ‘Kleiver Dam’. Now my plan is to return home for dinner!
So what are you gonna do?  🙂
(Compliments of SRB)

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21 Responses to Sunday Walk

  1. Mél@nie says:

    tusen takk for your splendid pictures… I’m missing Norway… ❤ your wonderful country where I've been twice… do hope to come back some day asap…
    * * *
    my vey best and friendly thoughts from Toulouse, France…


    • Seenorway says:

      Hi Melanie,
      Thanks a lot! Try following the links to my ‘Index’ (At the end of any post you care to open)
      Here you’ll find direct links to nearly 6000 ‘full screen pictures’ – alphabetically listed under their respective counties) and you’ll be able to see how many pictures included into the diffrerent posts. Please enjoy! (And get back here as soon as you can!)


  2. Trini Lind says:

    Nydelige hoestfarger! 🙂


  3. Beautiful area to go walking. I also love to have a water view. Your 4th photo looks very like the view from my backyard, except that there are houses on the right-hand side here. 🙂


  4. Amazing! Living so close to Nature is everything one could wish for!


    • Seenorway says:

      Yes! That is if you don’t have a tiger patrolling your back yard! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • 😛 there’s tiger? I thought only deer and moose were roaming around, which would be pretty cool 🙂 I used to live amongst Nature when I was a toddler and I loved it so much, that I still remember it now, it had an everlasting effect on me and I always dream of going back to live in such a place!


        • Seenorway says:

          No, we’ve got no tigers roaming around in our back yards, but I believe you have in Calcutta? And because we have very few predators in our neighbourhood, we may live very close to our nature! Norway is special in that respect: We live across our whole country and not concentrated in and around cities only.

          Liked by 1 person

          • That is just amazing! 🙂 Everywhere it’s equal. I’m glad people still remain in touch with nature around the world and especially in Norway which I would love to see one day!
            Nah, we don’t have tigers here haha! The closest they live is in wilderness in the depths of Sunderban forest, more a hundred kilometres from here. There’s so many people out here in the city and the suburbs that a tiger wouldn’t dare come because it could cause danger for it too, and I would like to go pay them a visit from afar in their homeland very soon in winter 🙂


            • Seenorway says:

              I probably told you before that I’ve been to Calcutta a number of times way back in time. Must have been in the early 60thies, I think? (Nearly 60 years ago!)
              Gee, I’m getting old! My recollections seem to fade, but I remember sailing up the Hooghly River (through the Sunderban forests on each side) and I seem to remember that the trip took approximately 10-12 hours before reaching the city of Calcutta? Whether that made it 100 km, I really don’t remember! But I used to cherish eating dinner on the Grand Hotel in the center of Calcutta!

              Liked by 1 person

            • The Grand Hotel is one grand place 🙂 I’m glad you experienced the cruise along the Hoogly va the Sunderbans which is definitely worth remembering 🙂 !


  5. These took my breath away… What a great walk you took me on this Sunday my friend.. loved walking every step along with you 🙂 Have a great rest of the day xx


  6. modaallamoda says:



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