Nasjonaldagen feires!

Det er 17. Mai og Norges nasjonaldag idag. Og i år feirer vi også 200 års jubileum for staten Norges uavhengighet og undertegnelsen av vår egen demokratiske grunnlov! Og som om ikke det var nok, så er også været på dagen ualminnelig flott: 18-20 plussgrader og en gnistrende sol fra blå himmel. Dette må jo bli en suksess, og selvsagt må jeg benytte denne anledeningen og reise inn til hovedstaden Oslo for å fange stemningen og atmosfæren rundt dette jubileet! Og – dere skal få være med på turen!
Bilde 679b
It’s May 17th and the ‘National Day’ of Norway! And this year we also celebrate the 200th anniversary of the state independence of Norway and the signing of our own democratic constitution from 1814!
And as if that wouldn’t be enough, the weather today is fabulous with temperatures around 18-20 degrees plus and a bright sunshine from a cloudless blue sky. The day just had to become a success, and , of course, I just had to travel the short distance to Oslo – the capital of Norway, in order to take it all in.  And – you’ll all be my guests during this event!
Bilde 686b17. Mai – toget starter vanligvis kl 11.00, men dette er et stort arrangement som omfatter ikke mindre enn 117 skoler (og nesten like mange horn-orkestere) og et fantastisk skue, så det er allerede en lang rekke skoler på mars mot forskjellige møtesteder rundt i byen fra hvor deres skole skal starte hovedtoget mot slottet i Oslo.
Klokken er nå bare ca 09.30, men man føler allerede forventningen samtidig som man hører lyden av hornmusikk i flere forskjellige retninger. Oslo forbereder seg på den store dag! Dette bildet er fraRuseløkka-området hvor en del russ allerede har begynt å planlegge dagens aktiviteter.

The ‘May 17th Parade’ usually starts at 11.00 am, but – this is an enormous arrangement, including no less than 117 schools (and nearly as many brass bands) and fantastic sight, so at this time already, hundreds of schools are converging on certain meeting places around town, from where they will all start the main parade towards the castle of Oslo.
The time is just 9.30 am, but you may already feel the excitement and expectations.
At the same time, you may hear the sound of several brass bands marching through the nearby streets. Oslo prepares itself for a day to remember!
This picture is from the Ruseløkka area where a few students seem to plan the activities of  the day?
Bilde 734bEn del forventningsfulle unge damer i bunad er på vei mot Rådhusplassen. Og det er akkurat der jeg står, så da ble de – kanskje ufrivillig – statister i min lille foto-reportasje.
Som dere vil se utover dagen, så er dette en ‘dag for bunad’ både for damer og herrer!
Og aldri har vi sett så mange forskjellige bunader som akkurat idag!

A few expectant young ladies en route The City Hall Square. And that’s  exactly where I’m standing, so perhaps they – possibly involuntary – became statists in my little photo report of the day?
As you will observe through this report: This is the day for ‘national costumes’, for men as well as women, and never in my life have I seen so many different national costumes as today!
Bilde 736bBallongselgere er også på vei mot sentrum der festen skal starte.
Balloon sellers are converging on the center of the city where the celebrations are about to start –

Bilde 851bOg noen har allerede mistet ‘festens høydepunkt’ (men har antagelig allerde fått en ny?)
Somebody has already lost ‘the highlight of the party’, but probably they have already acquired a new one?

Bilde 718bMarinen er representert ved en minesveiper fortøyd under murene til Akershus Festning.
The Norwegian Navy is represented with a minesweeper moored underneath the walls of
the Fortress of Akershus.

Bilde 741bSelv svartrosten spiller opp en serenade i anledning av dagen!
Even the blackbird offers a serenade on the occasion of the day!

Bilde 696bSå begynner tingene å skje rundt oss. Umerkelig begynner det å bli flere og flere mennesker. Og her kommer plutselig Ruseløkka skole på vei til sitt møtested . . .

Then slowly things start to happen around us. Nearly unnoticeable the number of people are growing. And here comes suddenly Ruseløkka School en route to their meeting place.
Bilde 699bNorske flagg i alle størrelser og fasonger . . .
Norwegian flags in most any size passes through our streets . . .

Bilde 735bDette er fra plassen foran Rådhuset i Oslo og som brukes til de riktig store arrangementene. Her blir det antagelig folkefest med dans, konserter etc i løpet av kvelden?

This is the square in front of Oslo City Hall which is used for the really large arrangements
(such as tonight). Usually a festive day ends here with public dancing, concerts etc.
Bilde 725bPlutselig lød taktfaste trommer!  Tanken på et ‘Militært Tatoo’ var ikke langt borte.
Og det var heller ikke en tropp fra Kongens Garde som er eksperter på offisielle markeringer.

Suddenly we could hear rhythmic drums. The idea of ​​a military tattoo wasn’t far away.
Neither was a squad of the Royal Guards which are considered experts on all official ceremonies!

Bilde 739bDet begynner å dra seg til. Legg merke til bunadene på både liten og stor . . .
The day starts to take hold. Observe the national costumes worn by large and small . . .

Bilde 688bFør vi forlater denne delen av byen for denne gang, så er det et par ting jeg har lyst til å vise dere. Legg merke til alle mastene! Vi har fortsatt en del seilskip i Norge og de benyttes som ‘skoleskip’ eller til spesielle anledninger. På en dag som denne, er det mange av dem på havnen i Oslo!

Before leaving this part of the city, there are a few things I feel like showing you:
Observe all the masts! We have still a number of sailing ships in Norway! Some of them serve as ‘schooling ships’ and some used for special occasions. On a day like this, there are many of them lying in Oslo harbor!

Bilde 687bSå er det den gamle jernbanestasjonen som engang het ‘Vestbanen’, men som ble nedlagt da jernbanenettet fra øst og vest ble koplet sammen en gang på 60-tallet. I denne staselige bygningen holder idag Nobels Fredspris til.

Then there is this old railway station, once named ‘Vestbanen’ (Railway West), which was
closed down when railway tracks from west and east were connected underneath Oslo sometime in the ’60s. Today this building  holds the offices of the Nobel Peace Prize.
Bilde 881bSom dere ser, så begynner det nå å bli så vidt tett med mennesker at man vanskelig kan bevege seg hvor man vil. Krav til lys og fotovinkler må vike, og jeg må begrense meg til å fange ‘øyeblikksbilder’ som kan formidle noe av stemingen rundt dagen. Det er heller ikke mulig å finne steder hvor man kan få motivet i søkeren slik man vil eller hadde håpet.
Og blir det ikke bra nok, så vet jeg ingen annen vei enn at dere får ta turen selv?  Vi feirer denne dagen hvert år! 😀

As you can see, there are so many people in the streets that we may hardly move freely where we would have wished to go. Requirements for light and photo angles must yield,
and I’ll have to settle for catching  ‘impressions at the moment’, hoping this may convey
some of the atmosphere engulfing everybody on our national celebration day?
And it’s not any longer possible to get a motive in the viewer the way you had wished for!
Thus, if it isn’t good enough, I’m afraid you’ll have to take the trip yourself? We do celebrate May 17th  every year! 😀

Bilde 874bBilde 873bDisse bildene er egentlig tatt etter at skolene allerede har passert kongen på slottetsbalkongen. Og grunnen er at det var det eneste stedet jeg kunne komme på skuddhold.

These pictures are actually taken after the schools have passed the King posing on the castle balcony, but this was the only place I could  get a picture!
Bilde 856bBilde 853bBilde 841bBilde 837bSkjønner dere?  Folk står 6-8 i dybden og min eneste sjanse er noen ‘ville skudd’ hvorav ett og annet kan brukes 🙂

Do you get it? People are standing 6-8 in depth, and my only schance are some wild shots above heads hoping that once in a while I’ll get something worth seeing  🙂
Bilde 814bUtenfor Rica Grand Hotel er det virkelig tett med mennesker!  Og hotellet kan minne om et slags ‘fuglefjell’ med gjester i alle vinduer, på alle balkonger, ja – selv på taket!

Outside the Rica Grand Hotel there is room for no more! And the hotel itself may remind you of a ‘birds nesting cliff’ with people in every window, on every balcony, even on the roof!
Bilde 806Her bestiller folk rom fra det ene året til det andre! Dette bildet er forøvrig tatt fra Eidsvolls plass rett foran Stortinget

Here people book rooms from one year to the next! This picture has been taken from the ‘Eidsvoll square’ just in front of ‘Stortinget’

Bilde 811bOg her er ‘Stortinget’ slik det ser ut på dagen.
And here it is: ‘Stortinget’ (The Norwegian Parliament)

Bilde 798bBilde 803bForan Stortinget og Rica Grand Hotel ligger ‘Studenterlunden’, en sentral park i Oslo Centrum. Vi skal ta en titt –

In front of ‘ Stortinget’ and the ‘Rica Grand Hotel’ lies a park called ‘Studenterlunden’.
We’ll take a peek –

Bilde 822b

Om sommeren bader de minste her. Og om vinteren blir det hele til en skøytebane!
In the summer the smallest among us may take a dip here. During winter it becomes a skating rink.

Bilde 830bNå verker det litt i gamle bein!  Jeg tror jeg skal kjempe meg frem til toget og kanskje en sitteplass hjem. Men jeg håper virkelig at dere fikk et inntrykk av nasjonaldagen og vår måte å feire den på? Og mener du andre bør se denne reportasjen, så setter jeg pris på at du legger ut en link på Facebook og/eller andre steder den kan bli sett.
Snart skal jeg ta dere med på en liten omvisning i Oslo, men det blir en annen historie.
Takk for nå.

By now my old legs are killing me 🙂  And I think I’ll battle my way to the train station in a hope of finding a seat home. But I do hope that you got an impression of Oslo, our ‘National Day’ and how we celebrate it?
And if you feel that more people ought to see this, please publish a link on Facebook or any other place you feel it will be seen.
Very soon I’ll be taking you for a sightseeing around Oslo, but that’s gonna be another photo report. Thanks for now and – welcome back!
(On my front page you may register for mail alerts every time a new post is published!)
(Compliments of SRB )

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About Seenorway

'See Norway' vil i fremtid befatte seg med å vise bildereportasjer fra byer, kommuner og tettsteder rundt i Norge. 'See Norway' will take pride in showing you picture reports from communities and settlements throughout Norway. Contact:
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40 Responses to Nasjonaldagen feires!

  1. It was quite hot here in SW Florida as I took my morning walk, so I cooled off for an hour or so taking a tour of Norway courtesy of Seenorway.

    I saw the gorgeous flowers in your garden and the tiny nectar-gatherers. I admired sunsets and a bridge and attended an independence day celebration in Oslo. I learned a bit about Norway, a beautiful country I will probably never have an opportunity to visit.

    Thank you so much! Stay well and be happy!


    • Seenorway says:

      Thank you! You made my day! Appreciation for what I do and deliver warms my heart!
      The temperatures in Florida are due to rise in more ways than one, I believe? And when you remain in your Appartement, waiting for the Corona to go away, please remember that digital travel is absolutely free! 🙂 A small advice: If you google Norway+ old counties,
      you may find maps explaining the location of our different counties. When you think you have got it right, then find a link to our ‘INDEX’! Here everything is listed alphabetically and within each related county. At ‘SeeNorway’ you will find more than 1500 posts and in excess of 8000 full-screen pictures. Please enjoy!


  2. Again lovely to be revisiting this post again.. I counted several comments in recent years here.. Back in 2014 then in 2019… 🙂 And it still holds as much magic as it did in previous visits..
    Sending Love and well wishes dear Svein… take care my friend.<3 🙂


  3. -Eugenia says:

    What a delight to revisit your post on your special day! Thank you for providing the link. 🙂


    • Seenorway says:

      Thank you! I knew you’d probably lik this one, but there is a shady side to this as well:
      This particular post was published May 2014 – approximately 5 years ago! And to what result? 28 – twentyeight – likes! And all those likes but one, came during the span of May 2014!
      When I once started this blog project, my intentions was to create something that would project Norway and Norwegian culture/nature for years and years after I had gone away.
      However, this is a living proof that most people rarely look through the archives of anyone! Thus, they may as well be deleted and save space for new projects?
      And in quiet hours I do contemplate why I’m doing this?
      And having reached 82 I’ll probably be investing somewhat less time in this project in the times to come (as others have also done before me)
      I should probably start some kind of competition that forced people to look through all
      my pictures to find the solution to a riddle, but as we experienced 2 weeks ago: Bloggers don’t bother to invest time in such competitions either any more. So why should I ?

      Liked by 1 person

      • -Eugenia says:

        Your project is so unique and worthy and I find it unfortunate more people don’t want to enjoy it. There are so many challenges currently being posted in WordPress by bloggers that one doesn’t know which to get involved in plus they are becoming repetitive.

        I agree with you about archives, not that you should delete yours. I don’t see many bloggers use my archives so I made it a small display. It seems more prefer to scroll through my posts thus the reason I have several on one page.


        • Seenorway says:

          Well, thank you, Eugenia, but we’re not that unique up here underneath the North pole!
          Of course, we – as everyone else – appreciate that what we post on the net is read and appreciated! After all, that’s why we publish it! And we didn’t have to!
          In my early blogging years, I thought I’d found the perfect solution as I ended each post with a recommendation and 3 active links to other interesting items on my blog, but –
          then I made my first important discovery: Bloggers have no time for following links!
          In fact, they are mostly experts in ignoring them! 🙂
          Then I started to furnish google links in 1-3 different languages with information on certain items like churches, war memorials, parks etc, but found that may be only 1 % bothered to look up such information! And sice it might take me hours to find susch information on the net, I aborted this idea as well:
          If bloggers didn’t care to read a quality blog, why should I take the time to build one?

          After all I’ve been blogging actively on difrferent platforms since 2006, That ought to stay for something? As for (bragging) marketing myself on Monday, – I really don’t think so.
          I know there must be millions out there that never heard of SeeNorway, but on the other hand I’ve been so active that if anyone cared to make search for ‘Norway’, I believe I’d pop up among the results at some point. I’m not at all hard to find!

          Liked by 1 person

  4. Beautiful to revisit this post again from 2014 Svein. It held its magic for me on my revisit.. 🙂


  5. -Eugenia says:

    I love the photos, and like Sue, I love the traditional dress. I imagine this to be a fabulous day for Norway!


    • Seenorway says:

      These dresses are ‘protected’ by a set of rules and may be used on different occasions like on our ‘National Day’, in weddings or other official occasions. Very warm on a hot day, and – extremely expensive! A lot of silver may bring the price up to $ 10 000 (£ 7-8 000) !

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I love the traditional dress.. 🙂


  7. Tusen takk for nydelig bilder. Det blir godt å minnes om hvordan dagen blir feiret i Oslo. Vestbanen virket en veldig flott bygning. Det minne meg om når jeg hentet sønnen min derifra etter hans besøk til farmoren sin på Vestlandet i tidlig 70 tallene.


    • Seenorway says:

      Hei Gaynor,

      Ja ‘Vestbanen’ (Den heter vel neppe det lenger? 🙂 ) er rent arkitektonisk en flott bygning, og med Nobels Fredssenter inne på eiersiden, så er det vel neppe fare for fremtidig
      vedlikehold heller? Men det ser mindre pent ut med alle de elektriske ledningene over Rådhusplassen . . .


  8. vestlending says:

    feiende flott reportasje fra feiringen i Oslo med skarpe og klare bilder!


  9. Mormor says:

    Takk for feiring i Oslo. Det er noen år siden jeg bodde i Oslo, så det var et kjært gjensyn, Vel …
    Flott, men trettende for ben 🙂
    Vel overstått.
    Klem 🙂


    • Seenorway says:

      Hei Mormor,

      Ja, det går litt ut over beina når man vandrer slik rundt og alle ‘vannhull’ for lengst er opptatt av svettevarme ‘bunadstroll’ 🙂


  10. margot2you says:

    Reblogged this on Mistrz i Małgorzata and commented:
    17 mają Narodowe Święto Norwegii


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